Internal || Releases

"The shortest and best way between two truths of the real domain often passes through the imaginary one; but is our mental image of space mathematically precise? And does actual space agree with our mental image?"

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YUYAY Records analyses the forgotten tribe of the Yskay and their legacy. The Yskay had developed a remarkable insight into scientific matter, mathematics being their prime research area. Centuries later modern era mathematicians processed this knowledge, allowing YUYAY to examine it nowadays.

In addition to the abstract mathematics YUYAY also engages in Yskay culture, especially their believe in enlightenment and in the equivalence of the earth's core and the sun.

The results are interpreted and implemented in music.

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Selected Recent News:

2025-03: Reissue of YUY010LP by XY0815 on 12" vinyl LP
2022-10: Release of YUY013 on 12" vinyl
2020-04: Release of YUY012
2019-04: Release of YUY011 on 12" vinyl
2019-02:   SYGNAL[07] recieved
2018-12: Release of YUY-PT-RM with PossblThings & R.A.N.D.
2018-05: Release of YUY010 by XY0815
2018-03: Video to "Tape Rider" of YUY006
2017-12: Video to "Chord Memory" of YUY006
2017-12: Re-Release of YUY006 LP on vinyl

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Detect YUYAY Records at Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Mixcloud
e-mail: contact(at)yuyay-records(.)de

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